All-In For A Fair Contract At Piedmont

Bargaining between the CWA Bargaining Committee and Piedmont Airlines will begin on September 26th.
To help us prepare for bargaining, we asked members to respond to a survey about priorities for the new contract. Thousands of you answered the call—and the message you sent came in loud and clear:

The majority of passenger service agents responding to the survey ranked base pay as your first priority by far. After base pay, agents focused on paid time off, safety, and healthcare as your top issues.
We are ready to fight for a strong contract that reflects your priorities. And we need your support if we’re going to win.
Here's how you can get involved right away:
1. Make sure you and your co-workers are signed up to receive up bargaining and mobilization updates over text and email by filling out this form.
2. Show your support by taking a selfie or a group picture with your co-workers and emailing it to us at Be sure to include your name and work location in the email. We'll share the photos on social media throughout the week. You can also click here to download a sign to hold in the picture.
3. Follow us on Facebook where you can like and share our updates and other bargaining related content.
A union is as strong as its members. That’s why it is so important that you and your co-workers get involved and stay engaged throughout the process so we can fight for a strong contract. Now is the time to stand together and demand a strong contract that secures the fair wages, job security, and work-life balance we deserve.
Contact your Local for more information about mobilizations.
Piedmont Airline Workers Picket for Livable Wages & Safety