CLT Agents Mobilize for a Fair Contract
On Sunday, November 26, Piedmont passenger service employees--members of CWA Local 3645--turned Charlotte Douglas International Airport into the site of a major mobilization for Fair Wages, Fair Treatment, and a Fair Contract.
CWA members at CLT intend to keep the issue of fairness front and center for the next few months while the Piedmont Bargaining Team and airline management are at the table negotiating a new contract.
Piedmont passenger service employees handed out leaflets at several locations in the airport and marched out front. Fair wages that are more in line with industry standards are on everyone’s mind. “We’ll raise our voices and picket until Piedmont management realizes that we need to make a living wage to support our families,” says shop steward Douglas Christian. Although their training and responsibilities are the same, Piedmont agents often make only about half as much per hour as their counterparts at American Airlines, which owns Piedmont.
[caption caption="Singer Anthony Hamilton joins Local 3645 VP Donielle Prophete in solidarity for fair wages." align="left"][/caption]
When local R&B singer Anthony Hamilton stopped to take photos and shout out a “Hell, yes!” to the mobilizers in Charlotte, agent Jaena Howey was excited. “It’s great that he’s showing his support because we help all those celebrities fly every day.”
Local 3645 Vice President Donielle Prophete encourages Piedmont agents at other airports to rally in support of the Bargaining Team and show the public it’s time for real fairness. “We are serious,” says Donielle, “And we will not stop until we get the contract we deserve!”
[caption caption="Members of CWA Local 3645 mobilize for a fair contract at CLT on November 26."]Piedmont Agents Mobilize at Stations Across the Country