Piedmont Bargaining Report for May 2017
The CWA bargaining team met on May 16, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to work on answers to proposals and counter proposals received during our last round of bargaining. On May 17 and 18 we met with the company’s bargaining team to continue working toward a fair and equitable contract.
Over the course of two days of meetings with the company, a total of 13 proposals and counter proposals passed between the committees. We reached Tentative Agreements on Article 6, Hours of Service and Article 14, Leaves of Absence.
In Article 6, Hours or Service, we made significant improvements to the current language that will limit the number of hours part-time employees are scheduled to work. We improved the language about meal periods, requiring that employees be paid for the entire meal period, even if they are not allowed to take a portion of the meal period for any reason. Breaks are now required for employees working at least 8 hours. We also improved language regarding permanent shift bids and around severe weather and “acts of God.”
In Article 14, Leaves of Absence, we were able to increase the number of employees that are eligible for union leaves of absence. We removed limits on the maximum number of hours employees will be paid if they are on jury duty. In addition, we were able to increase the number of days employees are allowed to take off for the birth or adoption of a child.
We are close to reaching Tentative Agreements on several other articles, with only a few items left to resolve. The CWA Bargaining Team will be meeting in June to work on additional counter proposals and on some of our economic proposals as well.
Our next round of bargaining with the company is scheduled for July 18, 19, and 20.
In Unity,
Marge Krueger, Chair
Paul C. Castaneda, Co-Chair
Keith Richardson, President 13345
Anthony Barden, President 3645
Rick Brower, President 7040
Piedmont Agents Mobilize at Stations Across the Country