Piedmont Bargaining Update for July 2017

The CWA bargaining team met on July 17 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to work on counter proposals we received from the company during our last round of bargaining.
From July 18 to 20, we met with the company’s bargaining team to continue working toward a fair and equitable contract for all members. Over the course of the three days we focused on Article 4: Filling of Vacancies, Article 5: Furlough, Article 8: Overtime, and Article 15: Sick Leave. Both bargaining teams passed several counter proposals on these articles.
We reached Tentative Agreements on both Article 4: Filling of Vacancies and Article 5: Furlough and Recall. Article 4 allows for more transparency in job assignments available at each station, allows members to submit a standing bid, and contains better language on how positions are filled. Article 5 increases the length of furloughed recall rights and includes pay for furloughed employees who transfer to another station and stay through the closure of the station. On several proposals we have agreed to most changes and the only things holding us up are items tied to economics.
We have submitted a request for information, which the company has committed to providing. Once we receive the information we will be able to continue working on and fine tuning our economic proposals.
Uniform Allowance Issues
We understand there are many members who have issues with the uniform allowance, whether it be the allowance zeroed out because items were back ordered, items not shipped until after anniversary date so money was taken out of the next year’s allotment rather than the previous year’s allotment, or the allotment date being changed from anniversary date to some other date.
We have filed a grievance to cover all employees, and the company has acknowledged errors and are willing to settle the grievance prior to arbitration. We are working on a way to identify all employees who have been harmed without simply relying on the company to identify them. If you believe you were harmed, please look out for additional information coming soon.
Our next round of bargaining with the company is scheduled for August 15-17.
In Unity,
Marge Krueger, Chair
Paul C. Castaneda, Co-Chair
Keith Richardson, President Local 13345
Anthony Barden, President Local 3645
Rick Brower, President Local 7040
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