Piedmont Mobilization Starts Now

As we approach the start of contract bargaining later this year, it’s more important than ever that every member get involved. The stakes could not be higher. We’ll be fighting for fair wages and better working conditions for every Piedmont agent.
When Does Our Contract Expire?
Technically, as airline employees, our contract becomes “amendable,” and doesn’t expire. OnFebruary 5, 2017, if we have not agreed to bargain for a new contract, the old one will stay in effect until a new contract is bargained and ratified. We can begin bargaining 2-6 months before the amendable date, and we are eager to get to the table to fight for improvements.
Our bargaining team needs a unified membership backing them up and presenting a united front to management. We’ll face some tough challenges, including getting health insurance and paid sick leave for our part-timers. To win the improvements we deserve, all of us have to stand up and be counted. The time to mobilize is now!
Effective Mobilization Means Communication
If our mobilization is going to work, we need the most accurate, up-to-date contact information for everyone. Over the next several weeks, we’d like you to help us connect in several ways:
- Mobilizers and stewards will ask you to fill in cards with contact information.
- This summer, we’ll send out a simple Bargaining Survey to find out what issues matter most to you, so that the bargaining team can serve every member better.
- We hope you’ll visit and like our new Facebook page, Piedmont Agents Connected, where we’ll post updates and build solidarity across all of our stations. Please share it with your co-workers!
Piedmont Airline Workers Picket for Livable Wages & Safety