Bargaining Update 1/19

Happy New Year! Your CWA bargaining committee started the year off meeting with the Piedmont Management committee on January 15, 16, & 17.
The Union passed counter proposals on the following:
- Article 3: Seniority
- Article 4: Filling of Vacancies
- Article 6: Hours of Service
- Article 8: Overtime
- Article 9: Training
- Article 14: Leaves of Absence
- Article 15: Sick Leave
- Article 19: Grievance
- Article 20: System Board.
In response, the Company passed the following:
- Article 3: Seniority
- Article 4: Filling of Vacancies
- Article 6: Hours of Service
- Article 9: Training
- Article 19: Grievance Procedure
There was a lot of discussion on the articles, and while the Union and the Company did agree on some movement, we were not able to make any tentative agreements.
The Company is proposing changes to the bid process and days off, along with other changes. The Union is fighting to make improvements in use of sick time, work rules, and fight any changes that will negatively impact members, but we need your involvement.
Make sure you have signed a membership card and that your address is updated with your Local. Sign up email and text updates by filling out this form. To show your support, be sure to wear our union pin. If you did not receive a union pin yet, contact your Local.
Don't forget to send your solidarity selfies and group photos to with your name and station to show all Piedmont stations are watching the progress of bargaining.
The next session is scheduled for February 20, 21,& 22. Mobilization activities will be communicated before each session, so stay tuned to your email for updates and participate.
Remember, we are stronger together!