Bargaining Update 4/26

Your CWA Bargaining Committee met with the Piedmont Bargaining committee on April 23rd, 24th, & 25th.
During the recent contract bargaining sessions with the company, the union diligently addressed key concerns and priorities outlined by the membership through surveys. The negotiations resulted in a tentative agreement on several crucial issues, highlighting significant progress in key areas.
The session started with the union responding to proposals on:
- Article 3 Seniority
- Article 6 Hours of Service
- Article 9 Training
- Article 10 Uniforms
- Article 14 Leaves of Absence
- Article 15 Sick Leave
- Article 20 System Board
- Article 22 Union Representation
The Company responded with counters on:
- Article 3 Seniority
- Article 6 Hours of Service
- Article 9 Training
- Article 15 Sick Leave
- Article 20 System Board
We continued with meaningful discussion over the remaining articles.
Sick Time Agreement: One of the major victories for the membership is the establishment of a new sick time policy. The agreement allows agents to utilize their accrued sick time up to 40 hours without accruing disciplinary points. This represents a substantial improvement in employee benefits and addresses a longstanding concern for members across all cities. In order to secure gains in certain areas, the union had to make concessions on specific verbiage items that the company vigorously contested. These adjustments primarily impacted elements such as changes to the bid timeline and the vacancy article. While these concessions were necessary for progress in other critical areas, it's important for members to understand the rationale behind these compromises.
System Board Agreement: This new language should help the process.
It’s essential to address the unique circumstances surrounding the transparency of these negotiations. Typically, negotiations are conducted behind closed doors until a final agreement is reached. The bargaining team felt this new Tentative Agreement for sick time would show members that we are listening to them. The bargaining committee is working hard to ensure the membership that the final agreement reflects the needs and priorities outlined by the membership.
Overall, the recent contract bargaining sessions have resulted in significant gains for everyone, particularly in the establishment of a more favorable sick time policy. While compromises were made in certain areas, the union remains committed to advocating for the best interests of its members and will continue to strive for improvements in future negotiations. Moving forward, we need members to show their support for the bargaining committee and this process.
We need members to wear their union pins, sign up for bargaining updates and make sure everyone is a member in good standing so everyone can exercise their right to vote on the new agreement.
Our next session is June 4th, 5th and 6th when we expect to start discussing the wages.
While we are finally entering into the wage conversation, mobilization is more important than ever! Please find your mobilization coordinator ASAP and ask how you can help. We will NEED YOU!