Bargaining Update 8/23

Your CWA Bargaining Committee met with the Piedmont Bargaining committee on August 20th, 21st, and 22nd.
CWA began the session by addressing problems with the pay information that was supplied by the Company. Only four articles were passed during the session. The Company passed Article 9: Training and Article 18: Safety and Health. The Union passed Article 8: Overtime and Article 9: Training. We reached an agreement that Article 22: Union Representation would go back to the current language.
In our last bargaining session, CWA passed a counter proposal for wages and a benefit proposal. In addition to those wages and benefits, the Company owes the Union proposals for Article 8: Overtime, Article 10: Uniforms, Article 11: Holidays, Article 12: Vacation, Article 14: Leaves of Absence, and Article 24: General and Miscellaneous.
The bargaining committee is very frustrated as we can’t make any progress without the Company responding to our proposals. We are committed to take every legal means available to force the company to bargaining, include going to mediation.
We need every member to take action. The Company needs to understand that we need to bargain NOW!
Mobilization is critical at this stage of bargaining. We need to show the Company we are Unified and want a Contract. Join us in our next action to show the Company they need to do better.
You can see the pictures of those stations that participated in the health care action on https;// or Connected.
Stay alert for our next action, it will be shared soon.