Bargaining Update 2/26

Your CWA Bargaining Committee met with the Piedmont committee on February 20, 21, and 22.
The session started out with the Union passing proposals on:
- Article 4 Filling of Vacancies
- Article 6 Hours of Service
- Article 9 Training
The Union also passed a comprehensive information request, as we have been waiting on information to respond to some of the Company proposals. The Company needed time to develop a proposal. There was discussion on the articles that the Company has not responded to yet. The following day, the Union passed proposals on Holidays and Uniforms. The Company wanted to discuss options on Union proposals that they have not responded to yet. The Union clearly explained that we were not interested in any concessions to the current contract, which is contained in the Company proposals.
Vice President of District 2-13 Mike Davis joined us at the bargaining table to send the message to the Company that all of CWA supports the Bargaining Committee and CWA is committed to run mobilization campaigns and do whatever is necessary to achieve a fair contract for our members.
On day 3 of bargaining, the Company passed proposals on:
- Article 10 Uniforms
- Article 19 Grievance Procedure
- Article 20 System Board of Adjustment
CWA passed a counter proposal on Article 10 Uniforms, and we were able to reach a tentative agreement on Article 19 Grievance Procedure.
We need members to show their support for the bargaining committee and wear their union pins. We need to sign up the non-members so every member can ask the question: Where’s The Fairness? Our next session is scheduled for March 12, 13, & 14.
We are stronger together!